My poor, neglected blog. I dread posting sometimes because our computer is so old and so slow - everything I have to do to prepare photos takes forever. Frustrating.
A couple of personal notes.....
Jim's mom passed away a few days ago, three days after her 93rd birthday. She was an amazing woman. Drove her car until she was 90. Was sharp as a tack until the end. Avid golfer up until a few years ago. Warm and witty, with a terrific sense of humor - we always had some good laughs together. She was the perfect mother-in-law - easy to get along with, loved her grandkids with all her heart, and never pried or criticized. She and Jim's dad raised four wonderful human beings. She will be missed.
I'm still plugging away at the boot camp classes. The weight is coming off slowly - about 12 pounds so far. I think it's a little harder to lose weight now because of the cancer med I'm on - it messes with my hormones. Plus, I'm just getting older! Thank goodness for Goodwill - I can find smaller clothing at a small price. I'm hoping to drop more weight, but don't want to spend money on "in-between" pants sizes. Every Sunday is half price for seniors (which is me!). I got a couple of pairs of really nice jeans for $3.50 each - woo hoo!
Dieting sucks - I love to eat! But, I do splurge sometimes. Like tonight. Mike made us Bananas Foster - caramelized bananas topped with flaming rum, served over vanilla ice cream. O-M-G so amazing! It's something I've seen on cooking shows and have always wanted to try. The kid's been on a cooking kick lately, so I asked him to make this dessert. It was actually very quick and easy. We've decided that next time he makes it, we want to add homemade Belgian wafffles under the ice cream.