Thursday, January 26, 2012

found money

Several years ago we found money owed to us from an account our house builder had set up in Mass. - only $120, but not bad. Last month there was a story in the news about a woman who was discovered to have 6 million bucks sitting in an unclaimed funds account in her state. Wow. So I searched again for our names, in several states where we have lived. Jim's name came up twice in Kentucky. Some states list the dollar amount, but Kentucky does not - we had to send in a preliminary claim form. We had no idea if it was even worth pursuing. So, we got our info from the state yesterday, and ... drum roll please ... One claim was for $714 (woo hoo), and the other claim was for a whopping one penny (really!). Jim has absolutely no idea where this money came from - the big one says Bank of New York, but no other info. Anway... you just never know what's out there.

Check out yourselves, and your relatives (including deceased ones). Here's an organization that has links to all the states' unclaimed property search engines.  (and read the search instructions; in Ky. there's a single box, but you're supposed to type in last name first, which I didn't do at first). Good luck!

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